以下是我觉得比较值得去的,但是可能每个人想法不一样吧~ 1.迪士尼乐园 (disneyland)+ 迪士尼海洋公园 (disneysea) 在美国可以玩两个大的主题乐园的估计也就只有los angeles了... 但是我觉得两个都不太推荐,尤其是海洋公园去了以后觉得非常一般,还不如去奥兰多或日本玩呢!!
2.环球影城 universal studio 也是蛮推荐的,但是最好就是去奥兰多的,因为那里的哈利波特比这里的更真实。而且我去过一次后就不想再去第二次了orz。。。太没劲了,这里最热门的就是侏罗纪公园和变形金刚那个过山车,还有好莱坞的那个4d电影,感觉还行吧。。
3.加州自然生态博物馆 California natural history museum 有各种标本,恐龙、植物啊什么的都有,不过我没去看过,因为之前去过了纽约的自然科学博物馆,所以就觉得这里应该也差不多啦~不过如果想看的话可以去看看哦,据说很棒的。。地址是539 elm street los angeles california, u.s.a 电话:(213)765-3100 我在google地图上搜出来的。。不知道对不对 门票价目表
年票 (adult)/学生/儿童 $55 /$38/$23 一人 $30 /$22/$15 一人 $14.75 /$10.50/$6.75 一人 free one child with paying adult
注: Children under three years old are admitted free when accompanied by a full price ticket holder. Admission for children between the ages of four and twelve is half off regular admission prices during all operating hours, except on special event days where it may be discounted more or less than half depending upon date selected.
注2: The Museum Store accepts American Express, MasterCard, Travelers Checks and cash but not Visa cards !! Please note that the store does not process credit card payments over the phone or online, so if you wish to make purchases using your debit or credit cards please visit us in person at our downtown Los Angeles location.
4.加州科学院 California academy of sciences 这是家科技馆,里面有很多动物标本和海洋生物等等,还有各种展览之类的,还可以坐船在海里捞螃蟹啥的,这个蛮好玩的~~地址是55 muskegon way san francisco, ca 电话:(415)377-8400 门票价目表
Adults, Students & Seniors $24 /$19/$12 Youth $12 ($6 ages six months – thirteen years;free 0–5 years) Family $60 ($30 per adult plus $30 minimum age six months)